
We are Nationally Recognised

At the Australian College of Weight Management & Allied Health we are proud to offer our students a quality education that has received Professional Accreditation & Professional Development recognition both nationally and internationally.

Accreditation with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) ensures that courses are nationally recognised and meet an established industry, enterprise, educational, legislative or community need.

We are aligned with a number of Professional Associations.

The Australian College of Weight Management & Allied Health is proudly Accredited and an Approved Training Provider of Global Weight Management Education and provides all students with Accreditation and National Recognition upon course completion.

The Australian College of Weight Management & Allied Health has received international recognition and full member status by the International Approval and Registration Centre providing graduates with an internationally recognised qualification.

Complementtary Theray Approved Training Provider - Australian College of Weight Management

The Australian College of Weight Management & Allied Health is an approved training provider with IICT (International Institute for Complimentary Therapies) with the 10859NAT Certificate IV in Weight Management and 10698NAT Diploma of Weight Management being approved IICT Modalities.

Velg Training Accreditation and Professional Development

As part of our commitment to delivering the highest standards of education, the Australian College of Weight Management & Allied Health is a member of VELG (Australia’s leading provider of Vocational Education and Training (VET) professional development and consulting services).

Our Industry Experts

The Australian College of Weight Management & Allied Health has a strong network of recognised academic and industry professionals across the country who we work with; below are a few of the experts we consult with regularly on course development, webinars and resources.

Dr Helena Popovic

Dr Helena Popovic is a medical doctor, leading authority on how to improve brain function, international speaker and best-selling author. Since graduating from the University of Sydney in 1995 she has been paving the way for a new paradigm in peak health for peak performance. Helena is unique in bringing the latest discoveries in brain science to the field of weight management and she is the founder of a groundbreaking weight loss program called Winning at Slimming – thinking the light way. She is also the author of two books: In Search of My Father and NeuroSlimming – let your brain change your body. Her philosophy is that education is more powerful than medication and she believes in slow ageing despite fast living.

Click here to find out more about Helena’s book ‘NeuroSlimming – let your brain change your body’

Sam Beau Patrick

Professionally, and personally, Sam knows about female and male hormone disorders.

With 10 years experience in the pharmaceutical industry, 25 years as a nurse and 10 years of running her own health clinic, it wasn’t until she personally experienced what she calls ‘The Beast Within’ that Sam began to examine the world of hormones in depth.

Now Sam, The Health Queen, is on a mission to provide women (and men) with education, inspiration and empowerment to take back control of their hormones, their health and their happiness.

Glenn Mackintosh

Glenn Mackintosh is the Principal Psychologist at Weight Management Psychology. He is a member of the Australian Psychological Society, a fellow of the Obesity Prevention and Treatment Society, and the Queensland representative for the APS Psychology of Eating, Weight, and Body-image Interest Group. Before venturing into full time private practise, he was the psychology coordinator at the Wesley Lifeshape Clinic, and he also consults with Qld Bariatrics patients pre- and post- surgery.

Glenn’s passion is in helping people effectively manage their weight, and training other professionals in applying psychological principals to help their clients who are grappling with weight management issues.In 2014 Glenn presented for the Australian Psychological Society’s College of Health Psychologists and Psychology of Eating, Weight, and Body-Image Interest Groups for half and full-day workshops respectively, and has presented for the Dietitians Association of Australia on the psychology of making healthy choices, and psychological considerations of bariatric surgery.

Joanna Rushton

Joanna Rushton is an internationally qualified Exercise & Energy Specialist, she is also a Holistic Organic Chef. She is the author of the forth coming book ‘Rocket Fuel on a Budget; How to Get Healthy Without Going Broke and is currently writing her next book; Eat Right To Think Right; the link between mood and your food due for release mid 2013.

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